
Many businesses struggle to write quality copy and content that engages, inspires and positively influences their target audience. Our winning way with words means we can create compelling, readable, professional copy and content on your behalf, whether for an advert or article, blog or brochure, flier, website, presentation or press release.


Press release writing

The press release is one of the most cost-effective ways of ensuring your brand or product receives the coverage it deserves in relevant magazines, newspapers and media channels. However, there is a specific skill to writing a press release that will catch an editor's eye and make it onto page rather than being filed in the recycle bin. Cool Dog has many years of experience in writing well structured 'page ready' press releases that hit the mark thanks to their fact-filled punchy prose and accompanying professional image.


Website content creation

In today's competitive business climate a website is a crucial window onto your world. To increase the amount of time customers spend on your site and ensure return visits, you need to think like a publisher not an advertiser. Cool Dog can write web content that informs, educates and entertains and promotes you as a leader in your field. We can also call upon First Presence, our website and graphic design associate, to create a new or redesigned website if required.


Social media

Social media can be a minefield which is why many companies are subcontracting this aspect of business to outside experts. We can advise you on the best social media channels to use, create a social media strategy on your behalf, then create and upload informative and entertaining social media posts that will appeal to your customer, drive traffic to your website and increase your business.


Advertisement copywriting

Ad copywriting is a specific skill that relies on the succinct use of words to convey a particular message. After listening to your brief Cool Dog will create a memorable slogan or caption, write a headline, subhead and body copy and combine this with the relevant visuals to create an highly effective advert.



Our photography skills, along with those of our associates, mean we can provide superb images in a range of different creative styles to accompany our written material. We are also happy to work with your photographer of choice or to incorporate your own images into any project.


Film and video

Visual media is increasingly popular in an age when people are short of time and prefer to watch rather than read. A short film or video is a proven way of promoting your business, brand, or product, explaining how it works, or communicating a specific message to customers. With Cool Dog writing the script you can rest assured that any film or video you ask us to work on will be powerful and professional. We can also call upon our associate film maker to direct, shoot and produce a film or video on your behalf.


English to English translation

Many overeseas companies rely on translating their marketing and press materials from their own language into English. The result can often be poorly worded, hard-going and miss out the subtle nuances of the original prose. We specialise in improving translated English and turning what you are trying to say into what you really want to say.


Public Relations

Public relations is the active pursuit of publicity for marketing purposes and can be made up of a combinaton of creative services and utilise a range of media channels. Cool Dog Communications can advise you on the best strategic mix to help you devise a workable PR strategy that achieves your goals and gives you a clear return on investment. We can run a PR campaign on your behalf or work with your in-house public relations or marketing team to provide specialist copywriting and content creation.

Cool Dog Communications - Getting your point across
For more information please contact:
Helena Venables 01974 831363 or 07974 780717